Image description: n/a End ID.
This is an alternate version of I piece I finished last year, I wasn’t happy with the results the first time around but I actually like how this version turned out. Null chilling out in the Mezzanine’s simulated jungle (we’re on the autism spectrum, trust me they’re having a great time).
I’m trying to work on drawing larger pieces featuring more than just the bust of a character and I’m slowly getting there. Clothing is still tricky but I really like drawing folds as you can probably tell lol, but referencing photos has really helped me figure out how draw them more realistically. I think I got rusty at rendering, at least in CSP again but I did most of it in CSP and added some texture in Procreate since I love how crunchy the brushes are so my work flow is now sketch in Procreate, line and render in CSP, back to Procreate for texturing, and then Photoshop for the final edits. Seems like a lot but I’m very finicky about my art programs and each one has it’s strengths and weaknesses. The background pattern was made using Untitled Tile Painter, which I can’t not talk enough about how much I love it.
Recommended listening: Cascade, Pt. 7 · The Future Sound Of London